MAVLink (OSD/Telemetry)
The telemetry 1 port defaults to 57600 baud, 8N1 and transmits a MAVLink stream.
The MAVLink settings default to OSD mode at 57600 baud.
The drop-down menu for the SYS_COMPANION parameter is used to set the optimal mode depending on the application scenario.
- Companion computer mode at 921600 baud
- Companion computer mode at 57600 baud
- OSD mode at 57600 baud
- Command / RC input mode (receive only) at 57600 baud
- Normal telemetry mode at 57600 baud
OSD mode defines the MAVLink stream required by OSD (set of activated messages & their rates). The other modes are for other specific hardware (e.g. ESP8266 for WiFi), and use the optimal baud rate settings for their link.