First Flight Guidelines

Learning to fly is a lot of fun! These guidelines are designed to ensure that your first flight experience is enjoyable, educational, and safe.

Select a Good Location

Selecting the right location for your first flight is critical. The main things to look for are:

  • Make sure the space is open. No high trees, hills or buildings next to it, because it will impair the GPS reception.
  • Make sure no people are within 100 m / 300 feet.
  • Make sure there is nothing that you shouldn't crash onto within 100 m / 300 feet: No houses, structures, cars, water, corn fields (hard to find drones in).

Bring a Pro

Bring someone with experience for your first flight. Get them to help you to run through the pre-flight checks and let them intervene if something goes wrong!

Plan the Flight

Plan the flight before taking off. Make sure you know the whole route and where/how the vehicle will land.

Limit the Damage

Damaging property or injuring people with your UAV can have significantly legal and financial consequences (far in excess of the value of the UAV itself).

The UAV should always be manually flown within a safe zone where there are no obstacles or people, and it must be clearly visible at all times.

If you start to lose control over the vehicle, and cannot bring it back under control, crash it in an empty area as soon as possible.

It can be useful to set a kill switch on your transmitter. This allows you to immediately crash your drone if necessary.

Arm the Drone

To arm the drone, put the throttle stick in the bottom right corner. This will start the propellers on a multicopter. To disarm, put the throttle stick in the bottom left corner. Alternatively arming and disarming can also be performed in QGroundControl (PX4 does not require a radio control for flying autonomously).

© PX4 Dev Team. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2018-06-16 09:20:31

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