Pixhawk 4

Pixhawk 4® is an advanced autopilot designed and made in collaboration with Holybro® and the PX4 team. It is optimized to run PX4 version 1.7, suitable for academic and commercial developers.

Quick Summary

  • Main FMU Processor: STM32F765
    • 32 Bit Arm® Cortex®-M7, 216MHz, 2MB memory, 512KB RAM
  • IO Processor: STM32F100
    • 32 Bit Arm® Cortex®-M3, 24MHz, 8KB SRAM
  • On-board sensors:
    • Accel/Gyro: ICM-20689
    • Accel/Gyro: BMI055
    • Magnetometer: IST8310
    • Barometer: MS5611
  • GPS: ublox Neo-M8N GPS/GLONASS receiver; integrated magnetometer IST8310
  • Interfaces:
    • 8-16 PWM outputs (8 from IO, 8 from FMU)
    • 3 dedicated PWM/Capture inputs on FMU
    • Dedicated R/C input for CPPM
    • Dedicated R/C input for Spektrum / DSM and S.Bus with analog / PWM RSSI input
    • Dedicated S.Bus servo output
    • 5 general purpose serial ports
    • 3 I2C ports
    • 4 SPI buses
    • Up to 2 CANBuses for dual CAN with serial ESC
    • Analog inputs for voltage / current of 2 batteries
  • Power System:
    • Power module output: 4.9~5.5V
    • USB Power Input: 4.75~5.25V
    • Servo Rail Input: 0~36V
  • Weight and Dimensions:
    • Weight: 15.8g
    • Dimensions: 44x84x12mm
  • Other Characteristics:
    • Operating temperature: -40 ~ 85°c

Additional information can be found in the Pixhawk 4 Technical Data Sheet.


Order from Holybro.


Pixhawk 4 connectors

The DSM/SBUS RC and PPM RC ports are for RC receivers only. These are powered! NEVER connect any servos, power supplies or batteries (or to any connected receiver).


Download Pixhawk 4 pinouts from here.

Voltage Ratings

Pixhawk 4 can be triple-redundant on the power supply if three power sources are supplied. The three power rails are: POWER1, POWER2 and USB.

The output power rails FMU PWM OUT and I/O PWM OUT (0V to 36V) do not power the flight controller board (and are not powered by it). You must supply power to one of POWER1, POWER2 or USB or the board will be unpowered.

Normal Operation Maximum Ratings

Under these conditions all power sources will be used in this order to power the system:

  1. POWER1 and POWER2 inputs (4.9V to 5.5V)
  2. USB input (4.75V to 5.25V)

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Under these conditions the system will not draw any power (will not be operational), but will remain intact.

  1. POWER1 and POWER2 inputs (operational range 4.1V to 5.7V, 0V to 10V undamaged)
  2. USB input (operational range 4.1V to 5.7V, 0V to 6V undamaged)
  3. Servo input: VDD_SERVO pin of FMU PWM OUT and I/O PWM OUT (0V to 42V undamaged)


The Pixhawk 4 Wiring Quick Start provides instructions on how to assemble required/important peripherals including GPS, Power Management Board etc.

Building Firmware

make px4fmu-v5_default upload

Debug Port

The system's serial console and SWD interface runs on the FMU Debug port, while the I/O console and SWD interface can be accessed via I/O Debug port. In order to access these ports, the user must remove the Pixhawk 4 casing.

Both ports have standard serial pinout and can be connected to a standard FTDI cable (3.3V, but it's 5V tolerant) or a Dronecode probe. The pinout uses the standard Dronecode debug connector pinout. Please refer to the wiring page for details of how to wire up this port.


Supported Platforms / Airframes

Any multicopter / airplane / rover or boat that can be controlled with normal RC servos or Futaba S-Bus servos. The complete set of supported configurations can be seen in the Airframes Reference.

Further info

© PX4 Dev Team. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2018-06-16 09:20:31

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